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Relief Now: Some Ways To Get Gum Pain Relief

Relief Now: Some Ways To Get Gum Pain Relief

Are your gums causing you pain? You probably want relief as fast as you can get it. It’s important to learn as much as you can about your condition because gum pain can point toward serious issues that should be reviewed by a medical professional.

This short guide will introduce you to some of the facts about gum pain. You’ll learn about some possible sources for the pain, over-the-counter medications that you can order, and simple steps you can take to get relief right now.

Table of contents
  • What’s causing my gum pain?
  • What medications can I use to treat gum pain?
  • Waiting for your medication? How to get relief now?

What’s causing my gum pain?

Image by soyfeliz2018 from Pxhere

Gum pain can be the result of personal habits, changes in body chemistry, and gum diseases.

Personal habits & treatments

Your gum pain may be caused by personal habits. It may also happen because of other treatments that you have been prescribed. Consider if any of the following apply to you:

  • You may be brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled brush: Your gums are very sensitive. If you are brushing or flossing too hard, you may be causing damage to your gums that results in pain. 
  • You are wearing prescribed braces or retainers: Braces and retainers can cause gum pain when they’re first installed. You may also experience pain if yours are not fitted properly.  
  • You are wearing prescribed dentures: It may take time for gums to adjust to the pressure of braces. Your gums may ache during this transition period.  

Changes in body chemistry

Changes in your body can result in short-term gum pain. Women, in particular, may experience gum pain when they go through:

  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Other hormonal changes

Gum diseases

Gum pain may be a symptom of serious underlying conditions. These conditions must be inspected by a medical professional as soon as possible. Untreated gum diseases may lead to infection, gum loss, and bone deterioration.

  • Periodontitis: This condition is a serious gum infection that damages nearby soft tissues, including the gums. When left untreated, it can spread to the bone.
  • Gingivitis: This condition is an inflammation of the gums. It is often the result of plaque buildup or bacteria. While it is not destructive to the gums on its own, it can progress to periodontitis.

Thrush: This condition is a type of yeast infection that can form in the mouth. It appears as white, raised lesions.

What medications can I use to treat gum pain?

You can get short-term relief from gum pain by using common, over-the-counter pain relievers. The pain relievers listed below can all be ordered online without a prescription. For each one, you’ll learn


Acetaminophen is widely recommended to treat oral pain, including gum pain. It can be more effective than more powerful prescription pain relievers. It’s easy to find both brand name and generic versions in tablets and caplets. 

Not everyone should take Acetaminophen for relief from gum pain. You should avoid this pain reliever if you are allergic. It should also be avoided if you have liver complications or if you typically enjoy more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day.


Aspirin has been used to treat oral pain for a long time. Research has even suggested that its anti-inflammatory properties may help prevent gum disease. It is widely available to order online in tablet form

Some people should avoid taking Aspirin. It is possible to be allergic to aspirin. If you have an allergy, you should use another pain reliever. You should also avoid aspirin if you have liver or kidney disease or if you have GI tract complications.


Ibuprofen is considered an effective treatment for oral pain, including gum pain. Like most over-the-counter painkillers, ibuprofen should only be used for short-term relief. You can easily find ibuprofen generics online in tablet form

You should avoid using ibuprofen without a doctor’s recommendation if you’re over 65. You should also avoid it if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. It may interact dangerously with the conditions or prescription medications for asthma, kidney, or liver disease. 

Waiting for your medication? How to get relief now

Image by Bru-nO on Pixabay

You should always speak to a health professional if you experience gum pain that lasts longer than a few days. If you’re waiting for an appointment or for your pain medications to arrive, you can try one of these simple home remedies.

  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water: Saltwater has mild anti-bacterial properties that can effectively relieve discomfort for some gum pain sources. If you have inflamed gum or sores on your gums, swishing warm salt water can help.
  • Swish and spit out Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is a potent anti-bacterial that can also be used as a rinse. If you are worried about bacteria growth due to inflammation and sores, you can use hydrogen peroxide for relief. Just make sure you don’t swallow any. 
  • Hold a hot or cold compress against your cheek: You can make a hot or cold compress with a dish towel and either warm or cold water. Holding it firmly against your cheek near the source of the pain can provide mild relief.
  • Replace your toothbrush with a gentler model: If you believe that an old or rough toothbrush is aggravating your gum pain, try replacing it with a new one. Look for brushes that are labeled “soft” or “extra soft”. Your gum pain may resolve a couple of days after replacement.

Get gum relief now

Gum pain has many different sources. Now, you understand some of the sources and how you may be able to control them. You also know how you can get relief from common over-the-counter pain medications.

Finally, you know some home remedies that you can use to get relief while you’re waiting to hear from a doctor or for your medications to arrive. Use what you’ve learned to get relief today.

Featured Image by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay


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