How it Sprung
"This makes no sense."
Ariel Kondov worked at a chain store pharmacy since 2004. It was a comfortable job, filling prescriptions, enjoying Nescafe and a nice 401K. He could've kept at it for decades. But he's a friendly guy and would often strike-up a conversation with the customers, especially the regulars.

And they’d drop comments that were hard to hear:
"These pills are really eating a chunk out of my monthly budget, but the doc put me on a maintenance plan, so here we are again."
"Gosh, if it were prescription meds, my insurance would cover it, but I don't have coverage for over-the-counter."
And most often-
Whoa. Why does this stuff cost so much?
“Let’s get the meds to them in a cost-efficient way.”
It's the twenty-first century. People don't have to get their meds from a pharma-chainstore, or even from their local drugstore. The bottles don't have to pass through so many hands, with prices marked up at each transfer.
Ariel used his connections to the manufacturers to purchase the most-needed maintenance meds. To keep costs rock-bottom, he didn't even rent a warehouse. He stacked the boxes in his living room at first.