How To Get Rid of Neck Pain Using Simple Steps
Are you suffering from neck pain? This pain can be distracting and unbearable. It can also point to more serious issues that may need to be assessed by a medical professional. The best way to know the next steps to take is to learn more about what’s happening to you.
In this guide, you’ll get an introduction to neck pain and the measures you can take to relieve it. You’ll learn some of the common causes of neck pain, the medications that are available over the counter, and simple relief methods that you can try in your home.
Table of contents
- What’s causing my neck pain?
- What medications can I use to treat neck pain?
What’s causing my neck pain?
Neck pain may take many different forms. The symptoms include muscle tightness and spasms. You may not be able to fully tilt your head in normal directions. You may experience worse pain if you hold your head in one place for too long.
The pain that your neck causes you may be mild or severe. When it’s severe, it can easily keep you from living your life normally. You may find that you can’t engage in normal activities like driving safely.
Consider that your pain may be a result of:
- Personal habits
- Muscle injuries
- Serious underlying medical conditions
Personal habits
Your neck pain may be a result of personal habits that you can correct. You may be able to resolve neck pain by correcting poor posture, sleeping in a different position, or cutting back on alcoholic drinks.
Bad posture while using electronic devices
Image by Skoivuma From Wikimedia Commons
For example, it’s typical when using a laptop to crane your neck down to see the screen properly. You may hold this position for several hours when you’re working on the computer. That posture can cause strain that eventually leads to pain.
There are some steps you can take to prevent your posture from putting you at risk for neck pain:
- Try to keep your computer screen at eye level. Use platforms or stands to hold laptops while you’re using them.
- Keep your arms supported while using a laptop. Use a chair with armrests to remind you to keep your back straight.
- Buy a chair that has built-in lumbar support
Sleeping in the wrong position
Sleeping the wrong way can cause a significant amount of neck pain. When you hold your neck in an uncomfortable position for 8 hours a night, you may be dealing with neck pain for days on end.
The most comfortable sleeping position for your neck is on your back or side. As long as you have a supportive pillow, sleeping on your back will provide you with the best support. This position allows your neck to align with the natural slope of the spine.
The worst sleeping position for your neck is on your stomach. When you sleep on your stomach, your neck has to twist in one direction or the other.
If you have trouble keeping yourself in a comfortable position, consider switching to a bed that allows you to sleep in an upright position. This will help keep you from rolling around at night.
Cutting back on alcohol
Image by www.Pixel.la of Wikimedia
Alcohol can be a major factor in neck pain. This is because frequent alcohol use can cause dehydration. Dehydration can cause the cushioning elements of the spine to tight and compact. This makes the spine much less resistant to normal shocks.
As a result, you may experience neck pain after normal activity. The pain may linger even after you’ve rehydrated.
Muscle injuries
The neck is made out of a complex set of structures that work together to provide cushioning and support. You may experience neck pain if you strain the ligaments, tendons, or muscles. Enough strain to these muscles can result in tears.
In most cases, this pain only lasts a short amount of time. Even tears that resolve on their own without medical treatment can cause a significant amount of pain while they’re present.
Serious underlying medical conditions
Neck pain may be a symptom of serious medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis, or cancer. Serious conditions may be present when you experience symptoms in addition to pain.
You should contact your doctor if your neck pain:
- Last for several days without getting any better
- Starts spreading to other parts of your body, particularly your arms and legs
- Occurs alongside headaches or weariness
What medications can I use to treat neck pain?
A number of over-the-counter medications are effective for treating neck pain. You can easily find all of the following medications available in pharmacies or available for order online:
- Lidocaine pain relief patches: These appliable pain patches are available online. They can be pressed against the area where the pain is happening for fast relief.
- Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen is a pain reliever that’s available in capsule, caplet, and tablet form.
- Acetaminophen: Acetaminophen is commonly recommended for neck pain. It is available online in many forms, including caplet.
Get Relief from Neck Pain
Now, you know more about your neck pain. You’ve learned some causes of neck pain that may apply to your case. You’ve also learned about some of the over-the-counter pain medications that may help.
If you need to know more, you should speak to your doctor about your pain as soon as possible. Neck pain may point to issues with your spine and may get worse if you do not get attention from a medical professional.
Featured Image by SanDiego PersonalInjuryAttorney of Flickr