Magnesium Oxide 400mg (Compare to MagOx) (Pack of 3) 120 Count Tablets

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Wellspring Meds

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  • PlusPharma's Magnesium Oxide 400mg contains magnesium oxide, an ingredient that helps regulate normal muscle and nerve function as well as maintain normal heart rhythm and blood pressure. It also promotes better calcium and potassium absorption. Compare to the active ingredient in Mag-ox.
  • Compare to the active ingredient in Mag-ox 400
  • Contains magnesium oxide that is used to treat a variety of conditions, including heartburn, indigestion, constipation
  • This supplement can also be used to treat magnesium deficiency
  • Available in 120 count bottles

PlusPharma's Magnesium Oxide 400mg contains magnesium oxide, an ingredient that helps regulate normal muscle and nerve function as well as maintain normal heart rhythm and blood pressure. It also promotes better calcium and potassium absorption. Compare to the active ingredient in Mag-ox.

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